Monday, January 11, 2010

Saxby Smart:The BIG Reivew

I LOVED Saxby Smart. It was a great book. It is about a 4th grade detective(or you know who). It had three cases. The Curse of the Ancient Mask, The Mark of the Purple Homework,and The Clasp of Doom. You should read it because it lets you try to solve the case. Saxby Smart is also a good book because it's fun and entertaining.


Jake said...

David - which case was your favorite? If I read the book, I need to know which one to start with.

Julie said...

I LOVED reading mysteries when I was about your age--couldn't get enough! My favorite was Nancy Drew--ever hear of her?

Grammy said...

Grandma Julie and I both loved Nancy Drew!! I belonged to a book club and we got a new nancy Drew mystery every few weeks. We couldn't wait for them to arrive, they were so exciting. It sounds like Saxby Smart was an exciting book too.